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Wtorek, 07 stycznia Lucjan, Julian, Rajmund, Walentyna


Dołączył do portalu: 2022-04-30 17:45:18
Ostatnia aktywność: 1970-01-01 01:00:00

Komentarze do artykułów: 1

Bitcoin to nie pieniądz. Uważaj na wirtualne 'waluty'

Perhaps this rsi indicator article contains the answer to your question. There is a lot written about trading technologies, namely about the relative strength index RSI https://goodcrypto.app/relative-strength-index-rsi-indicator-for-crypto-trading-an-ultimate-guide-by-good-crypto/ , an explanation of the concepts of divergence and convergence, it is specifically described why the technology of the relative strength index indicator is reliable.

2022-04-30 17:46:45

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